Harnessing nature-based solutions, environmental markets, and technology to solve major environmental issues.
Focus Areas
Nature-Based Solutions
Support public and private enterprises to unlock the inherent value of ecosystems through protection, sustainable management, and/or restoration.
Environmental Markets
Advance projects and enterprises that utilize market-based solutions such as mitigation banking, nutrient trading, stormwater trading, renewable energy, and carbon offsets to achieve environmental objectives.
Advance technology such as remote sensing, enhanced monitoring, data tracking, analytics, and compliance reporting to address environmental challenges.

Current Representative Company and Project Work
Colorado River Basin Water Scarcity
Circular Waste Solutions
Sustainable Grazing
Nature-Based Solutions for Mining Entities
Nature-Based Solutions for State and Federal Lands
Conservation Finance in Chesapeake Bay
Species Solutions and Offsets for Pesticide Registration
GHG Reduction Fund
Market Analysis for Mitigation Banks
Assets Sales of Mitigation Banks
Technology for Enhanced Water Quality, Agricultural, and Species Treatment and Monitoring
Carbon Capture and Storage
Voluntary Carbon Offsets
Stream Restoration for Stormwater and Nutrient Benefits
Voluntary Biodiversity
Current Boards
Our Approach
We take an outcomes-based approach to our strategic partnerships, incubation, and investment work.
These are some of the environmental outcomes we evaluate and measure.
Metric: Linear Feet of Stream Uplift
Metric: Acres of Wetland Uplift
Metric: Acres of Riparian Habitat
Metric: Acre Feet of Groundwater Storage
Metrics: Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Sediment (lbs. reduction); Trash; Bacteria
Metrics: Pollution Control; Hydromodification Benefits
Metric: Area Feet of Surface Storage
Pre- / Post-Fire
Metric: Area of Fire Buffer or Protection Zone
Metric: Degrees Temperature Change
Asset Protection
Metric: Linear Feet of Road Protection
Water Rights
Metric: Acre Feet of Water
Carbon Reduction
Metric: Tons of CO2e
Metric: Acres of Habitat
Metric: Acres of Improved Aquatic Habitat
One tool we leverage to assess a site’s recovery over time is the ‘Recovery Wheel’ developed by the Society for Ecological Restoration.
The 5-star scale indicates the level of recovery in a given ecosystem and the Recovery Wheel provides a dynamic way to evaluate and visualize ecosystem recovery over time.
Assessing Recovery
“Working with Earth Recovery Partners gives us on-demand access to an expanded team network with proven expertise in environmental capital, finance, and enterprise support. The progressive nature of our advisory work relies on this type of trusted, agile, and boundary-spanning collaboration to drive progress.”
— Jody Bickel, CEO, Creekbank Associates
“Earth Recovery Partners is poised to do amazing things. The team's proven track record of advancing environmental markets and mobilizing early-stage enterprises is a huge asset to this critical field. We are thrilled to continue to work with George and Earth Recovery Partners on multiple projects going forward.”
— Eric Letsinger, CEO, Quantified Ventures